Timeline: Origination and History of Ebola Outbreaks

Timeline: Origination and History of Ebola Outbreaks

The current 2014 Ebola virus outbreak is the most severe one since the discovery of Ebola viruses in 1976, where it was first time identified in 2 simultaneous outbreaks in then Zaire( Now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Sudan. There have been multiple READ MORE

Infographic: A brilliant representation comparing Ebola with other disease on Contagious vs. Fatality rate parameter

Infographic: A brilliant representation comparing Ebola with other disease on Contagious vs. Fatality rate parameter

Did you Know – Ebola, a rather difficult disease to control the spread of is in fact less contagious than other diseases. The precarious nature of the virus disease is actually attributable to how quickly it damages the cells, organs leading to expiration READ MORE

Is Ebola really more dangerous than other epidemic diseases?

Is Ebola really more dangerous than other epidemic diseases?

The rapid spread of the Ebola Virus disease has raised many a concern, but is it really one of the most dangerous epidemic disease? Actually NO, the fact that makes Ebola more dangerous is the mortality rate. Run this simulation which shows how READ MORE